打工女孩林晴朗(金晨 飾)被渣男張子駿(王皓 飾)欺騙,一夜之間甜蜜誓言變成201314元巨額債務。詐騙頭子歐陽暉(孫陽 飾)的意外出現,給林晴朗的生活帶來新的轉機,兩人聯合“碰碰車車神”董曉惠(李雪琴 飾)、“騙場老炮”柏仕通(王耀慶 飾)設局開團,與張子駿斗智斗勇。一對“歡喜冤家”,一隊“騙子天團”,一場“騙愛游戲”,結局將何去何從……
- 1.0 帥哥們
- 4.0 死亡大樂透
- 5.0 重見天日2024
1973 喜劇簡介:The story of a man who goes out looking for hamburgers, while he has a beautiful steak at home. Frank and Eva can"t live together, but can"t live without each other either. He has sex with every woman he can get, while Eva wants to start a family. She, on the other hand, seeks more stability and wants to start a family. Out of frustration about his behavior, she starts an affai...
- 1.0 跨界任務
- 9.0 蒜香滿屋